Technology Transfer Assistance to Enhance Knowledge Exchange and Technology Transfer between SMEs and HEIs in Nairobi Innovation Ecosystem
About the policy brief
Technology transfer and knowledge exchange between academia and industry has long been seen as a key feature of economic development strategy for countries, both in developed and developing world. Despite its potential benefits, the level of knowledge sharing and technology transfer between academia , represented by higher education institutions ( HEI) and industry, represented by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) remain minimal in Kenya, constrained by a weak enabling environment and limited capabilities. This policy brief outlines the components of a technology transfer assistance (TTA) model to facilitate effective knowledge exchange and technology transfer between SMEs and HEIs operating within the Nairobi Innovation ecosystem. It outlines a set of strategic policy interventions and initiatives by the government and other stakeholders that can enhance research, technological advancement and commercialization of new innovations through a set of collaborative and cooperative practices. These proposed strategies are aimed at promoting a dynamic innovation ecosystem that can boost entrepreneurial growth and competitiveness towards sustainable development.
About the Technical University of Kenya
The Technical University of Kenya (TU-K) is a new type of university in Kenya, whose mandate shall be to offer higher education and research in technology. The technical university, as a concept, is being created in Kenya with the objective to be a technological force behind the Vision-2030 drive and the general economic development of the nation. This has come about from the realisation that most countries that have been able to make major technological breakthroughs were heavily propelled through this by their technological universities.