Enhancing donor coordination for gender equality and social inclusion(GESI) outcomes: Insights from Ethiopia, Kenya, and Rwanda

Gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) is fundamental to fostering sustainable and inclusive development in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Rwanda. Donor funding has played a significant role in supporting progress across these countries, particularly in skills development, entrepreneurship, and rural livelihoods. However, despite some successes, a lack of coordination and insufficient focus on explicit GESI objectives has limited its transformative potential. This report analyses donor-funded projects, with a focus on how they align with GESI priorities, and provides actionable recommendations for improving coherence in development assistance.

By addressing overlaps, embedding GESI metrics in a cross cutting manner, and aligning donor priorities, it is possible to empower marginalised groups more effectively while enhancing the systemic impact of funding interventions. Based on the publicly available data presented, only 11% of the donor-funded projects analysed explicitly reference GESI priorities, leading us to point to greater allocations and/or integration as prospective solutions. Moreover, the proportion of projects addressing GESI varies significantly by country, with Ethiopia at 15%, Kenya at 11%, and Rwanda at just 7.5%, articulating uneven prioritisation across the region.